PT Great Eastern General Insurance Indonesia is the general insurance arm of Great Eastern General Insurance Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Great Eastern Holdings.
PT Great Eastern General Insurance Indonesia is majority owned by the Great Eastern Group and PT. Suryasono Sentosa. Great Eastern Group is a member of the OCBC Bank group, the longest established Singapore bank. The group financial strength and credit ratings is “AA-” by Standard and Poor’s.
PT Great Eastern General Insurance Indonesia is licensed and supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) with business licence No.471/KMK.017/1994, established in 1994, as stipulated by the Decree of the Ministry of Finance Republic of Indonesia.
PT Great Eastern General Insurance Indonesia provides comprehensive general insurance products for both corporate and personal insurance needs through a network of branch, marketing and sales offices located throughout the country that supports products through bancassurance, agents, brokers and direct channels. We are committed to providing our customers innovative products and services to meet their varying needs offering everything from basic covers to more complex insurance solutions for Marine, Engineering and Construction, Property, Motor, and Liability classes and other general insurance needs.
About Great Eastern Group
Founded in 1908, Great Eastern is a well-established market leader and trusted brand in Singapore and Malaysia. With over S$100 billion in assets and more than 16.5 million policyholders, including 12.5 million from government schemes, it provides insurance solutions to customers through three successful distribution channels – a tied agency force, bancassurance, and financial advisory firm Great Eastern Financial Advisers. The Group also operates in Indonesia and Brunei.
The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company Limited and Great Eastern General Insurance Limited have been assigned the financial strength and counterparty credit ratings of "AA-" by S&P Global Ratings since 2010, one of the highest among Asian life insurance companies. Great Eastern's asset management subsidiary, Lion Global Investors Limited, is one of the leading asset management companies in Southeast Asia.
Great Eastern is a subsidiary of OCBC, the longest established Singapore bank, formed in 1932. It is the second largest financial services group in Southeast Asia by assets and one of the world’s most highly-rated banks, with an Aa1 rating from Moody’s and AA- by both Fitch and S&P. Recognised for its financial strength and stability, OCBC is consistently ranked among the World’s Top 50 Safest Banks by Global Finance and has been named Best Managed Bank in Singapore by The Asian Banker.