Businesses today face a wide range of liability exposures during the normal course of daily operations. The possibility of facing a claim or court action is something that companies cannot afford to ignore as the resulting consequences can be significant.
Such liabilities can arise form your own actions or those by your employees. For example, if the operations of your business cause an injury to a member of the public or damages their property, a legal claim could be made against your company which could continue for a lengthy period of time. In such complex liability cases, specialist legal advice mayBrochure be necessary as most businesses do not have the experience or dedicated resources to manage these claims.
To protect different types of businesses against legal liabilities that may arise from accidental bodily injury or property damage to any third party, our liability experts in Indonesia and across Asia have designed a wide range of products:
Our comprehensive liability coverage includes:
Proposal Form
Claim Form
Product Summary (General Riplay)